The Best Online Source for Red Footed Tortoise for Sale

Nov 14, 2023


Welcome to Aldabra Tortoise Farm, the ultimate online destination for finding and purchasing high-quality red footed tortoises. As one of the premier sources for exotic reptiles, we take pride in offering a wide range of healthy and well-cared-for tortoises for enthusiasts and collectors alike. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the fascinating world of the red footed tortoise and explain why Aldabra Tortoise Farm is your go-to resource for finding the perfect addition to your reptile collection – right at your fingertips.

About Red Footed Tortoises

Red footed tortoises (Geochelone carbonaria) are native to the tropical forests and grasslands of South America. As one of the most popular tortoise species, they are known for their distinctive red and yellow scales on their legs and head, which give them their unique name. These docile reptiles are treasured by reptile enthusiasts for their beautiful appearance, friendly temperament, and manageable size.

Red footed tortoises are typically medium-sized, with males reaching lengths of up to 14 inches (35 cm) and females slightly smaller. Their life span can range from 30 to 50 years and even longer with proper care and nutrition. Captivating in both appearance and behavior, these tortoises make wonderful pets and captivate experienced keepers and beginners alike.

Why Choose Aldabra Tortoise Farm?

When it comes to finding a reliable source for purchasing red footed tortoises, Aldabra Tortoise Farm stands out from the rest. With our years of experience in the industry and commitment to animal welfare, we offer a level of expertise and care that you won't find elsewhere.

Incredible Selection of Healthy Tortoises

Our tortoise farm boasts a diverse inventory of red footed tortoises, ensuring you'll find the perfect companion that suits your preferences. Each tortoise is well-fed, parasite-free, and thoroughly examined by our team of experienced veterinarians to ensure optimal health. We take pride in providing top-notch specimens that will thrive in their new homes.

Expert Guidance and Support

At Aldabra Tortoise Farm, we believe that the journey of owning a red footed tortoise extends far beyond the purchase. That's why our dedicated team is always available to provide personalized guidance and support. Whether you're a first-time tortoise owner or an experienced reptile enthusiast, we are here to answer any questions and assist you in creating the best environment for your new pet.

Safe and Convenient Shipping

We understand that shipping live animals requires special attention and care. Rest assured, our team has extensive experience in safely transporting tortoises to destinations worldwide. We prioritize the well-being of our reptiles during shipment, ensuring proper temperature regulation and packaging to minimize stress and ensure a smooth journey to their new homes.

Tortoise Care and Maintenance

Owning a red footed tortoise comes with responsibilities. These incredible creatures require a well-maintained habitat, a balanced diet, and regular veterinary care. Let's take a closer look at some essential aspects of tortoise care.

Habitat Setup

Creating a suitable habitat for your red footed tortoise is vital for their well-being. An adequately sized enclosure should provide enough space for them to roam, bask, and hide comfortably. It should mimic their natural environment by incorporating a mix of substrates like soil, mulch, and moss, along with providing hiding spots, branches, and rocks for climbing and exploration.

Additionally, maintaining proper temperature and humidity levels is crucial. A basking spot with a temperature ranging from 90°F to 95°F (32°C to 35°C) and an ambient temperature of around 80°F (27°C) during the day is recommended. Humidity levels should be kept at around 50-60%. Using a reliable thermometer, hygrometer, and heating equipment is essential to maintaining these conditions.

Nutrition and Feeding

Red footed tortoises are omnivores, with their diet consisting of both plant matter and animal protein. A balanced diet for these tortoises includes leafy greens such as collard greens, dandelion greens, and kale, as well as various fruits and vegetables.

In addition to a plant-based diet, offering occasional animal protein sources, such as mealworms, crickets, and snails, provides the necessary protein for their health. Providing a calcium and vitamin D3 supplement fortified with reptile-specific multivitamins is also important to prevent nutritional deficiencies.

Veterinary Care

To ensure your red footed tortoise remains in prime health, regular veterinary check-ups are recommended. A reptile-savvy veterinarian can help identify and treat any potential health issues, provide guidance on diet and habitat, and answer any concerns you may have. Regular fecal exams also aid in detecting any internal parasites and enable prompt treatment if necessary.


If you're in search of a red footed tortoise for sale, look no further than Aldabra Tortoise Farm. With our incredible selection of healthy tortoises, expert guidance and support, and safe shipping practices, we are the go-to source for all your tortoise needs. By providing a comprehensive guide to tortoise care, we aim to ensure your new companion thrives in its new environment. Trust Aldabra Tortoise Farm to make your journey into the world of red footed tortoises truly exceptional. Start your tortoise-owning adventure with us today!

red footed tortoise for sale at aldabratortoisefarm,